Online Huddle - Tuesday 10th September
This month the Online Huddle will contain news on the progress of the establishment Joomla Australia organisation, a demo of the PWT ACL extension, something about Panopticon, maybe a bit of overview on the Joomla 6 guided tours feature, and a discussion about what you have in place when you, as provider of services or your reseller kicks the bucket. If you have got a question or item of interest you would like to include during the meeting then drop us an email at
- Nathan is going to provide a brief update on the current state of play with the Joomla Australia organisation and our status with Linux Australia.
- Greg has been playing with Panopticon so he might give us review or demo of what he has found.
- Nathan offered to demo the PWT ACL extension that he uses to manage the access and security of his sites.
- Glenn has been looking into the new features of Guided Tours under Joomla 6 alpha so if his internet connection improves he might tell us about what he has found.
- A discussion on what plans people have in place when the key person that provides the environment for your website to exist, or you are the provider of such an environment to your client(s), shuffles off this mortal coil. Terry's recent and ongoing drama with a getting access to a client's environment from the companies hosting their website on a resellers account has led to some detailed sharing on the Joomla Australia Discord channel that is worth further talk.
- Questions without notice is where we open it up for you to ask questions or share what you have been doing with Joomla.
Huddle - noun as in assemblage, crowd, often disorganised