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User Group Meetings

Online Encounter - Tuesday 9th July

This month the Online Encounter will contain news on the Joomla Australia organisation, a couple of quick tips about the Discover and Install from Web features of core Joomla and a general discussion. If you have got a question or item of interest you would like to include during the meeting then drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Read more … Online Encounter - Tuesday 9th July

AJUG Online Meeting - 2nd Tuesday of Every Month!

Online meeting for Joomla enthusiasts on the second Tuesday of each month. Starting at 6pm AEDST the meetings run for 1.5 to 2 hours and may involve a prepared presentation or two and general chat with a chance for people to ask questions and get answers from those in attendance.

Zoom is used as the technology and invitations with the link to the months session is sent out just before the meeting to those who have indicated they wish to attend.

AJUG Online - Tuesday 13th February

This month the online meeting will be covering the new Joomla Australia website and soliciting your involvement in the Reconnect with Joomla event to be held in Brisbane on the 15 - 17th March 2024. If you have got a question or item of interest you would like to include during the meeting then drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will add it to the schedule.

This is the last online meeting to be advertised via the Meet Up platform as we are moving AJUG communications back in-house using Joomla tools therefore if you would like to receive reminders and links for the meeting be sure to subscribe to the Monthly Meeting mailing list form that should appear on this page.

Read more … AJUG Online - Tuesday 13th February